
why personal training?

A personal trainer helps you define individual fitness goals and creates a roadmap to get there. A personal trainer takes into account your current fitness level and discusses what you ultimately want to achieve. A professional will help you focus on smaller goals that are specific and realistic; they're more attainable, setting you up to achieve the larger, more audacious goal. The personal trainer also helps assess your progress toward those goals and can hold you accountable.

A personal trainer teaches the proper way to perform each exercise movement in your routine. He/She demonstrates the movement, coaches you through it, and corrects any issues with your posture or technique. Learning how to perform exercises properly reduces your risk of injury and increases the movement's efficacy. When you can perform a move the right way, it increases the likelihood that you'll do it on your own at home or at the gym after your training sessions.

Motivation is often difficult to maintain when you exercise on your own. Regular sessions with a personal trainer create accountability, which is a real motivator to not let down yourself or them.